Sewer Lateral dRAIN Protection
The upkeep and maintenance of sewer lines, running from outside ones home to the main connection is foreign to many homeowners who are unaware this is their responsibility. There are many conditions which can cause these lines to interrupt drain flow; including ground settling, age of the property, tree root invasion and many other external factors. Repairs are very costly, and if left unattended, can cause significant damage to your property. When damage such as leaking, cracked, or broken sewer lines occur, this can lead to soil contamination, damages to your personal property and foundation, as well being hazardous to personal and public health.
The Plumbing Protection Plan of Canada Inc. (PPPoC) was created to protect you from high costs and ensure repairs are dealt with in a timely and efficient manner. For all repairs to your sewer lateral, call the PPPoC toll-free number to speak with one of our agents. Our team will send a locally licensed plumbing professional within 24 hours to repair your sewer lateral system. Up to $9000.00 is covered by our warranty for any sewer lateral repairs, per occurrence. To check your city's specific coverage details, please see our Terms and Conditions.